June 6, 2011

First bike - 90% done, second one started!

First machine - A tall bike. And the second will be a side hack, got the wheel ready for that one too. Enjoy!

Starting point - The bikes
After a couple hours of getting the parts together (stripping bikes) I strapped it to the rafters for a comp.
Strapped, note the pipe up the middle of all three forks to keep them in place / correct angle.
Welded, need a couple more braces and a chain. Brake adjustment & ready to roll!
And these are 24" wheels, not 26"...
Compared to a standard bike
Yes, you love the double bars too!
Bars for running on the ground and riding up high!

8" rim for the side hack. Don't want it to taco, so...

...adding a little metal...

...adding a little more, and some decorations...

Painted black and good to go!

 More bike fun in a week or so, now back to work!

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